Friday, June 13, 2008

Simple Pleasures

Even in these days of fast paced technology, kids still enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Several of our elementary field trips capitalize on this.

Crawdads. It is hard to believe that these clawed creatures bring such pleasure, but the kids were having a grand time on Tuesday searching for the critters in all sizes and observing them in make-shift aquariums, along with minnows, snails and tadpoles. (Our creek time is a "catch and release" program and no actual wildlife was harmed in the making of this memory.)

Deer. Turtles. Fish. Frogs. Spotting these animals along the hiking trail at the Nature Center takes a keen eye, patience and a little self-discipline in the talking department.

A hill. A grassy hill. What is better on a summer day than a quick roll down a grassy hill? It has become a KES tradition of sorts when visiting the Living Memorial Park to enjoy a roll down the hill. And, why not? (It's fun!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to love rolling down the hill when I was younger! What fun the kids must have had!