Friday, September 26, 2008

PTO Participates in Belk Charity Days...

Do you know 10 people who like to shop? (Seriously, who doesn't?!?) Do you think those10 people would like to help a charity while shopping? (Another no brainer!) Well, here is your chance to combine shopping and helping all at once - The Kirbyville PTO has signed up to participate in Belk's Annual Charity Day!

Belk Department Store on the Landing will be sponsoring a 4 hour sale that benefits charities. They have provided $5 coupons/tickets which entitle the purchaser to $5 off their first purchase at Belk’s and the opportunity to qualify for a $1,000.00 Belk shopping spree.

Here’s how Kirbyville benefits – the PTO gets to keep ALL the proceeds from any pre-sales of the coupons we make, let me stress KIRBYVILLE KEEPS ALL THE PROCEEDS OF PRE-SALES OF THE COUPONS/TICKETS. For example, if we sell 100 coupons/tickets at $5.00 each the PTO gets to keep the entire $500.00 we raise. This is an event that is geared towards charities and is a win-win proposition for participants.

We are asking for your help. Would you be willing to take on 10 tickets (or more) to sell to your friends, family, church, etc for $5 each? These tickets can be used on November 15th, 2008 from 6am-10am at Belk’s for $5.00 off their first purchase of any one $10 (or more) item! Plus, they can register to win a $1,000 Belk shopping spree. Even if you can’t attend, purchasing a ticket ahead of time is a donation to the Kirbyville Schools and your kids. If you can’t go, just give the ticket to a friend and at least get signed up for the $1,000.00 shopping spree. Click on the link for Belk’s Store Ad on Kirbyville PTO’s site for specifics. (

Kirbyville has many needs. Last year the PTO purchased new playground equipment for the elementary school, which depleted most of the PTO monies! It is time to replenish our cash! This is a great opportunity to make some money for our kids and their needs. Please help as much as you can.

We will be having a bake sale at Belk’s on the day of the event. Please sign up to bake items in groups of 2-4 (ie, cookies, brownies, etc). Items that shoppers can eat on the go! J

Thank you for all the help you can give,

Dawn Motley

Kirbyville PTO Officers:
Kristol France, President
Dawn Motley, Vice President
Lynna Blevins, Secretary
Lana Gilliam, Treasurer
Laurie Lohbeck, Personal Attenion Officer

Please feel free to contact the PTO at…
or call and leave a message at (417)334-2757 - Elementary School Office

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