Then they entered the gym for morning assembly in a victorious fashion behind the third grade teachers who crashed through a "MAP All-Stars" banner to the tune of "All Star," which was their "MAP song."
The students sat facing the crowd of elementary students and their parents as Mrs. Gaines explained their accomplishments: 55.2% of students scoring proficient or advanced on communication arts and 65.5% of students scoring proficient or advanced in mathematics. She commented that this was the best any Kirbyville third grade class had ever done on the MAP! She asked the students what they thought contributed to their success. Many fourth grade hands went up to answer. One student diplomatically thanked the teachers for teaching them what they needed to know and all the other students in the school for supporting them and keeping the halls quiet so that they had a good testing environment. Another student said, "Everyday, I got up and told myself, 'I can,' and I did!"
One of the motivational themes last year was that MAP was like "eating an elephant." A student explained that was taking a big thing and doing it a little at a time.
Mr. Osbourn addressed the fourth graders and congratulated them for their accomplishments. He encouraged them to keep up the good work. They had set an example for the elementary students and could show the rest of the middle schoolers what could be done. He complimented the elementary school for preparing them well. The third grade teachers passed out silver all-star necklaces and the students stood to receive them. Finally the entire elementary school celebrated with a rousing "Who Rocks the House?" .
The "All-Star" music played once again and the students were dismissed to a free recess on the elementary playground!
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