Thursday, December 17, 2009
Christmas Break
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Kindergarten students travel on the Polar Express
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
Parent's Guide to the MAP
Practical Parenting Partnerships has published a guide for parents to build understanding of the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP.) It is linked here to feature the publication and then also linked in the sidebar for future reference.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Information for Parents about the Flu from the CDC
Saturday, December 5, 2009
2nd/3rd Grade Christmas Musical Info
Here is some information from Mr. Casebourn concerning costumes for the 2nd/3rd grade musical, “Jingle All the Way” which will be performed on Thursday, December 17, at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school gym.
· Santa Claus: I will provide a Santa suit; hat and gloves. The student will need black shoes and socks.
· Mrs. Claus: I will provide a “Mrs. Claus” Santa-style hat and gloves. The student will need a dress that would be suitable. A shawl or cape might look nice if available.
· 3 Children on a journey to the North Pole to find Santa; Susie, Nellie, and Johnnie: Winter style clothing such as a stocking cap, gloves or mittens, sweater and boots. I would not have them wear a coat; that would be too constrictive to their moving around and be too warm while performing.
· Elves (14): I will provide elf hats with ears. The students can wear Christmas colors for shirts, sweatshirts, (maybe even a vest) with winter scarves, gloves or mittens, sweaters, boots etc…
· Reindeer (9): I will provide reindeer antlers. The students can wear a solid color t-shirt or sweatshirt. They could even write their “reindeer name” with a sharpie on the front of their shirt if possible…just an idea, not a requirement. Rudolph will need a red nose.
· Chorus: I would like all the chorus members to dress up in winter style stocking caps or other winter hats, scarves, sweaters or Christmas color shirts, gloves or mittens, maybe even boots if possible. I would not have them wear winter coats because they would be too warm and restrictive to their movements.
Let me know if your child will need help with acquiring any costume items.
Please contact me at school, 348-0444 or through email at if you have any questions or need assistance with costumes.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Kindergarten, First Grade and MS Band to perform
6:00 p.m. The schedule for the evening will be as follows:
6:00 p.m. – Kindergarten
6:45 p.m. – KMS Band
7:15 p.m. – First Grade
The kindergarten students will be performing at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school gym. In order to teach the students “concert etiquette”, I am asking them to wear nice clothes and make a special effort to look extra nice. These students need to be seated with their class in the cafeteria at 5:45 p.m. to get prepared for their performance. Please take your child’s coat, jacket or other items with you when you drop him/her off. For safety, the audience is asked to remain seated at the conclusion of the program. Students will be seated in the cafeteria following the program and will be dismissed by a teacher to a parent or other authorized adult.
The KMS band students will be performing at 6:45 p.m. in the middle school gym. I am asking them to also wear nice clothes and make a special effort to look nice. These students may meet in the KMS band room by 6:30 to get their instrument together and warm up and then wait for me to come and escort them to the gym.
The first grade students will be performing at 7:15 p.m. in the middle school gym. In order to teach the students “concert etiquette”, I am asking them to wear nice clothes and make a special effort to look extra nice. These students need to be seated with their class in the library at 7:00 p.m. to get prepared for their performance. Please take your child’s coat, jacket or other items with you when you drop him/her off. For safety, the audience is asked to remain seated at the conclusion of the program. Students will be seated in the cafeteria following the program and will be dismissed by a teacher to a parent or other authorized adult.
Please call John Casebourn at the middle school, 348-0444 or contact him by email: if you have any questions.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Open House-Sunday, Nov. 15-2:00-4:00
Kirbyville School District is hosting an Open House to celebrate the new early childhood wing and playground improvements. Please join us!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Information from Taney Co. Health Department
Taney County residents
Children age 6 months to 18 years
Children with chronic health conditions (such as: asthma, heart, lung, diabetes, immune compromised)
Healthy children
Parents of children 6 months or younger
To schedule an appointment please call the Taney County Health Department, Branson office at (417) 334-4544 or Forsyth office at (417) 546-4725.
For more information, visit our website at"
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Cheerleading Camp
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PTO Fall Carnival Coronation
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
H1N1 Flu Shots Available in Taney County
Monday, October 19, 2009
KES Fall Fun...
The PTO sponsored a fall carnival that included lots of activity booths, games and a cakewalk. The carnival king and queen contest started with a rousing competition between classes. Points towards winning the honor are earned through donated cakes, pop and recipes, in addition to cold, hard cash (and checks). Money (bills and checks) will be accepted through Tuesday evening before the coronation between the boys' basketball games. No change will be counted that night.
The Western Taney County Fire Department made its annual visit to teach students about fire safety and allow them to explore the fire truck and take a turn squirting the fire hose.
Then, of course, is the everyday fun on our very own elementary playground. We are having some chilly mornings, so it is a good idea to send or wear a jacket everyday!
Enjoy this Smilebox with a collection of photos from all our recent events.
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Friday, October 16, 2009
KMS graphic arts class creates videos
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Busy week on tap for KES
Tuesday, October 6 is our second KES Character T-shirt day! Everyone is encouraged to wear their new Kirbyville T-shirts to school on Tuesday to show school spirit for McTeacher Night!
Tuesday, October 6 is also McTeacher Night!!! Join us at McDonald's in downtown Branson for fun, family and food between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. and 20% of the sales will be donated back to the school. The class with the highest percentage of attendance will win a hamburger party. You'll be "lovin' it!"
Wednesday, October 7 is our first STAR time of the year! Stay Today and Read provides time for students to enjoy reading and reading related activities. Parents join us at 5:00 for family involvement activities. Stick around for refreshments and door prizes. (You must be present to win.)
On Thursday, October 8 KES welcomes Ronald McDonald to our school to put on the annual Ronald McDonald Show! The show is always fun and based on educational theme that teaches and entertains.
The PTO will meet at 4:00 in the KES cafeteria on October 8. Find out how you can help out with the annual carnival.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Who Rocks the House?
Then they entered the gym for morning assembly in a victorious fashion behind the third grade teachers who crashed through a "MAP All-Stars" banner to the tune of "All Star," which was their "MAP song."
The students sat facing the crowd of elementary students and their parents as Mrs. Gaines explained their accomplishments: 55.2% of students scoring proficient or advanced on communication arts and 65.5% of students scoring proficient or advanced in mathematics. She commented that this was the best any Kirbyville third grade class had ever done on the MAP! She asked the students what they thought contributed to their success. Many fourth grade hands went up to answer. One student diplomatically thanked the teachers for teaching them what they needed to know and all the other students in the school for supporting them and keeping the halls quiet so that they had a good testing environment. Another student said, "Everyday, I got up and told myself, 'I can,' and I did!"
One of the motivational themes last year was that MAP was like "eating an elephant." A student explained that was taking a big thing and doing it a little at a time.
Mr. Osbourn addressed the fourth graders and congratulated them for their accomplishments. He encouraged them to keep up the good work. They had set an example for the elementary students and could show the rest of the middle schoolers what could be done. He complimented the elementary school for preparing them well. The third grade teachers passed out silver all-star necklaces and the students stood to receive them. Finally the entire elementary school celebrated with a rousing "Who Rocks the House?" .
The "All-Star" music played once again and the students were dismissed to a free recess on the elementary playground!
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Stay Today and Read coming soon...
The first STAR time is Wednesday, October 7. Forms went home in Friday Folders last week or check with your child's teacher if you need another.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
McTeachers Night coming soon!
Grandparents read in the library
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We shouldn't limit all this fun to one week per year. Are you a parent or grandparent that would like to join us in the library and read aloud to a class? Please contact librarian, Terry Miller, at 334-2757 if you would like to be a guest reader in our library.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Rockin' and Rollin'
WILD About Reading
Give up? They are all related to our new WILD About Reading at-home reading program!
Students received new green folders to keep track of their reading progress about a week ago along with a free book from last year's Target Store Grant and a letter explaining the rules and procedures of the program. Hopefully all of our students have started reading to meet the program goal for kindergarten and first grade of reading 100 books by April 23 or to reach the second and third grade program goal of reading 2000 minutes by April 23. Students who meet the reading goal will be invited to attend a special field trip to Predator World in Branson West and a trip to the Landing for ice cream donated by Ben and Jerry's. Last year we had two classrooms with 100% participation. Wouldn't it be something if we had 100% participation schoolwide?
What about the singing beetles, Chinese praying mantis, snakes and snapping turtles? Watch this quick Smilebox show of our WILD About Reading kickoff assembly featuring guest speaker, Randy Dietz and a few of his WILD friends.
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Tires to Tiles

Electrical Safety

KES 3rd grade students recently learned about electrical safety with Louie the Lightning Bug and Mert Bancroft, Director of Information from Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative. The presentation included an entertaining video and hands-on demonstrations.
To learn more about electrical safety and renewable energy with your child visit the Touchstone Energy Kids Zone.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
First PTO Meeting
Kirbyville School District Receives DNR Grant
The district replaced the former loose fill surfacing with over 2,300 square feet of DuroMat Extended Life Rubber Playground Safety Tiles under a new piece of equipment and an existing piece that met the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The total cost of the playground-surfacing product including delivery and installation was just over $26,000. With these playground improvements and others completed during the previous school year, the elementary playground is completely accessible with the exception of one playground area and much safer than it was with its previous pea-gravel surfacing. The future goal is to continue improving the playground until it is completely accessible.
Besides providing complete handicapped accessibility to the playground equipment, research shows that these safety tiles reduce serious injuries on the playground by 75%. The surface does not freeze, dries quickly and stays cleaner increasing the number of days the playground is usable by the students. Finally, the DuroMat Extended Life Rubber Playground Safety Tiles are made through a patented process using 100% Missouri scrap tires, which turns an environmental problem into a useful product.
Elementary principal, Addie Gaines, commented that the district has been pleased with the tile surfacing, adding, “While careful adult supervision and appropriate use of playground equipment are always key components to keeping students safe on a playground, this surfacing has added another dimension of safety to protect our kids from injury when the inevitable slips and falls that are a part of childhood happen.” No students were seriously injured on the Kirbyville Elementary playground last school year.
Gaines stated, “Each year we train our students about appropriate playground equipment use on the first day of school. Last year I told the students about how our new tiles were made from recycled tires that no one could use anymore. I was pleased when we toured our new areas and I asked students that were here last year if anyone remembered what the tiles were made of and the students who volunteered to answer the question recalled the fact they were made of recycled tires. I think it is great that they can personally experience the benefits of recycling through the daily use of this product.”
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112 K-5 Students Complete Summer Reading Program by reading over 112,000 minutes total
This could not have happened without our summer readers, but it also could not have happened without our sponsors that paid for 4 books in each summer reading packet and the equipment for the Splash Bash! KES thanks: Target Stores, J.J. Marketing (Star-Walk Entertainment), Scholastic, Inc. Ozark Mountain Bank, The Presley’s and The Track Family Fun Parks for their grants, donations and discounts! Also, the Splash Into Summer Reading Event is now part of the Center for Summer Learning’s National Summer Learning Day!
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Sunday, August 9, 2009
Open House Invitation
Floored by progress...

The rooms will not be ready for Open House. Preschool parents should meet the teacher in the elementary cafeteria. Parents as Teachers will have a table set up in the elementary building.
We anticipate starting preschool on the 17th in the new room. There will be some furnishing items and details that will be completed in the next few weeks, but nothing that we cannot work around. The plan is to move in on Saturday, August 15th.
We are looking for volunteer help, as this is a large task to accomplish over a weekend. There are jobs for any willing adult: lifting and moving boxes and furniture, assembling new furniture, unpacking, organizing and decorating. If you are able to help with this, please call the elementary office and ask to speak with Lynna Blevins.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Open House/First Day of School
The first day of school is Monday, August 17, 2009. We look forward to a great year of instructional growth for our new and returning students.
The offices in each building open on Monday, August 3. The middle school office number is 417-348-0444 and the elementary office number is 417-334-2757.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Kirbyville New Student Enrollment for 09-10 School Year
In order to enroll in kindergarten through eighth grade, parents must bring a current immunization record and proof of residency. A current electric bill or a purchase or lease agreement is accepted as proof of residency. Students enrolling in kindergarten must turn 5 by August 1, 2009. Students enrolling in first grade must turn 6 by August 1, 2009. Please bring a birth certificate as proof of age eligibility for these two grades.
Kirbyville Preschool is a parent-pay program for three to five-year-olds that successfully prepares students for kindergarten. Tuition is currently $13.00 per day. Parents of preschoolers must bring a birth certificate and immunization records to complete the enrollment process. Students enrolling in preschool must turn three by August 1, 2009. Out of district enrollment is accepted at the preschool on a space available basis, so area families, regardless of district of residency, are encouraged to enroll in Kirbyville Preschool.
For more information regarding enrollment please call 334-2757. The office will open Monday, August 3.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Construction continues...

Not everyone has been on summer vacation. Progress continues on the preschool and PAT building. The most recent progress includes painting, adding ceiling tile grids and vents and pouring sidewalks and an entryway.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Under the big top!

A room with a view...

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
KES at the Rec Plex
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Monday, June 15, 2009
Making summer reading effective
To summarize:
The ABCs of summer reading
Access to books
Books that match the students' interests and reading levels
Comprehension monitored by a parent or other adult.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
1st-4th grade field trip schedule change
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Nature Center Field Trip
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Sunday, June 7, 2009
Summer School Perfect Attendance K-4
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Table Rock State Park Field Trip
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Summer School
Students in grades 1-8 have academic time in the morning and field trips in the afternoon most days. There are a few full day trips and some days with on campus special activities. A calendar of events has been published for grades 1-4 and for grades 5-8. For students in grades 1-8 a field trip fee of $30.00 is due on the first day of school.
Kindergarten students do not leave campus, except for students who earn the perfect attendance field trip. Details about this trip are TBA.
At dismissal time, buses are loaded and leave campus prior to parent pick-up. All parents should park in the east parking lot. Middle school students (5-8) will walk out to the east lot to meet their parents. Elementary students must be picked up in the cafeteria by a parent or other adult authorized by the parent. They will not be allowed to walk out to the car with an older sibling.
All changes in after school plans must reach the office by note or phone no later than 3:00 p.m. so that messages can be delivered to students prior to loading buses.
Block by Block...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Summer Reading Lists for Students
There are two lists, one for K-4 and one for 5th grade and up!
Summer reading keeps brains active, provides opportunities for new learning and helps to maintain or increase reading levels.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Preschool Takes Shape
Eighth Grade Graduation
Congratulations and good luck to our graduates!
P.S. If anyone has digital photos from the event, I would love to add them to this post! Email them to me using the contact link in the right navigation bar.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
KES Field Day
Also, a big thank-you goes to Andy's Frozen Custard for providing free frozen treats for our participants!
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