As a preliminary step towards building on a new preschool that is attached to the main building, preschool and PAT are moving to temporary locations. Starting Monday, January 26 the preschool will be in what is currently the PAT building. This just represents a move from one side of the preschool playground to the other. Phone contact numbers will remain the same.
Thank-you to all the volunteers who moved the preschool furnishings and materials to the new location on Saturday morning.
The Parents as Teachers (PAT) program will operate out of the elementary building in the current music room. Participants in this program will need to check in at the office and then will be directed to the new location. Parking is in the lot on the east side of the elementary playground. Please refrain from parking in the bus lane or the fire lane at any time. The PAT phone contact information will remain the same at 334-2537.
The music classes will be temporarily located in the current science lab.
The new preschool building will provide safe, comfortable, state-of-the-art facilities for our little guys and gals!
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