The second and third grade students have written letters that have been/will be shared with the World War II veterans who are part of the Ozarks Honor Flight. This program provides a free trip to Washington D.C. to see the WWII Memorial and other memorials at no cost to the veterans. On the way home, there is a "mail call" and each veteran is presented with letters from his/her family, friends and area school children. Mrs. McNeal's and Mrs. Ernsting's classes wrote letters/essays/poems etc. that were read on the 2nd Honor Flight that took place on Tuesday, April 13. Mrs. Johannes' and Mrs. Dalager's class will be sending letters that will be read on the Honor Flight scheduled for May 18.
The school received a special letter from KY3, one of the sponsors of the Honor Flight, to thank us for participating and included with the letter, was another letter from a veteran that was on the inaugural flight back in November. It was a touching story of how the letters he received on the Honor Flight allowed him to relive a cherished 65 year old memory of a Christmas mail call. If you have a 2nd or 3rd grader, ask him/her about the story. Hearing the letter was a powerful way to see how the written word can have such an impact.
If you would like to know more about Ozarks Honor Flight, click here.
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